Comprehensive Future Webinar: What would a socially just education look like? | 20th September 2021
As debate about the future of education rages all around us, not enough is being said about the core failing of English education: rank inequality. In this special online meeting, held ahead of the party conference season, and drawing on a wide range of political perspectives, we ask ‘What Would A Socially Just Education System Look Like?”
Ash Sarkar
A journalist and political activist, Ash is a senior editor at Novara Media and a regular contributor to The Guardian and The Independent.
Dr Alan Bainbridge
Alan is a Chartered Psychologist, Doctor of Clinical Science and Senior Lecturer in Education, and taught in Kent secondary schools for almost 20 years. He is a member of Comprehensive Future's steering committee and the joint coordinator of the Kent Education Network anti-selection group.
Sammy Wright
Sammy is vice principal of Southmoor Academy in Sunderland and the Social Mobility Commission’s Lead for Schools and HE. His first novel, ‘Fit’, is out in October 2021.
CHAIR: John Bercow
John served as Speaker of the House of Commons for 10 years, making him the longest-serving holder of the office since 1945. Before that, he served as Buckingham MP for 22 years. Appointed Professor of Politics at Royal Holloway in 2020, John now teaches and lectures in politics. He is a CF Patron.